API Reference

The following section outlines the API of discord.py.


This module uses the Python logging module to log diagnostic and errors in an output independent way. If the logging module is not configured, these logs will not be output anywhere. See Setting Up Logging for more information on how to set up and use the logging module with discord.py.


class discord.Client(*, loop=None, **options)

Represents a client connection that connects to Discord. This class is used to interact with the Discord WebSocket and API.

A number of options can be passed to the Client.

  • max_messages (Optional[int]) – The maximum number of messages to store in messages. This defaults to 5000. Passing in None or a value less than 100 will use the default instead of the passed in value.
  • loop (Optional[event loop]) – The event loop to use for asynchronous operations. Defaults to None, in which case the default event loop is used via asyncio.get_event_loop().
  • cache_auth (Optional[bool]) – Indicates if login() should cache the authentication tokens. Defaults to True. The method in which the cache is written is done by writing to disk to a temporary directory.
  • connector (aiohttp.BaseConnector) – The connector to use for connection pooling. Useful for proxies, e.g. with a ProxyConnector.
  • shard_id (Optional[int]) – Integer starting at 0 and less than shard_count.
  • shard_count (Optional[int]) – The total number of shards.

Optional[User] – Represents the connected client. None if not logged in.


iterable of VoiceClient – Represents a list of voice connections. To connect to voice use join_voice_channel(). To query the voice connection state use is_voice_connected().


iterable of Server – The servers that the connected client is a member of.


iterable of PrivateChannel – The private channels that the connected client is participating on.


A deque of Message that the client has received from all servers and private messages. The number of messages stored in this deque is controlled by the max_messages parameter.


The email used to login. This is only set if login is successful, otherwise it’s None.


The websocket gateway the client is currently connected to. Could be None.


The event loop that the client uses for HTTP requests and websocket operations.

on_error(event_method, *args, **kwargs)

This function is a coroutine.

The default error handler provided by the client.

By default this prints to sys.stderr however it could be overridden to have a different implementation. Check discord.on_error() for more details.

login(*args, **kwargs)

This function is a coroutine.

Logs in the client with the specified credentials.

This function can be used in two different ways.

await client.login('token')

# or

await client.login('email', 'password')

More than 2 parameters or less than 1 parameter raises a TypeError.


bot (bool) – Keyword argument that specifies if the account logging on is a bot token or not. Only useful for logging in with a static token. Ignored for the email and password combo. Defaults to True.

  • LoginFailure – The wrong credentials are passed.
  • HTTPException – An unknown HTTP related error occurred, usually when it isn’t 200 or the known incorrect credentials passing status code.
  • TypeError – The incorrect number of parameters is passed.

This function is a coroutine.

Logs out of Discord and closes all connections.


This function is a coroutine.

Creates a websocket connection and lets the websocket listen to messages from discord.

  • GatewayNotFound – If the gateway to connect to discord is not found. Usually if this is thrown then there is a discord API outage.
  • ConnectionClosed – The websocket connection has been terminated.

This function is a coroutine.

Closes the connection to discord.

start(*args, **kwargs)

This function is a coroutine.

A shorthand coroutine for login() + connect().

run(*args, **kwargs)

A blocking call that abstracts away the event loop initialisation from you.

If you want more control over the event loop then this function should not be used. Use start() coroutine or connect() + login().

Roughly Equivalent to:

    loop.run_until_complete(start(*args, **kwargs))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    # cancel all tasks lingering


This function must be the last function to call due to the fact that it is blocking. That means that registration of events or anything being called after this function call will not execute until it returns.


bool – Indicates if the client has logged in successfully.


bool – Indicates if the websocket connection is closed.


Returns a Channel or PrivateChannel with the following ID. If not found, returns None.


Returns a Server with the given ID. If not found, returns None.


Returns a generator with every Emoji the client can see.


A generator that retrieves every Channel the client can ‘access’.

This is equivalent to:

for server in client.servers:
    for channel in server.channels:
        yield channel


Just because you receive a Channel does not mean that you can communicate in said channel. Channel.permissions_for() should be used for that.


Returns a generator with every Member the client can see.

This is equivalent to:

for server in client.servers:
    for member in server.members:
        yield member

This function is a coroutine.

This coroutine waits until the client is all ready. This could be considered another way of asking for discord.on_ready() except meant for your own background tasks.


This function is a coroutine.

This coroutine waits until the client is logged on successfully. This is different from waiting until the client’s state is all ready. For that check discord.on_ready() and wait_until_ready().

wait_for_message(timeout=None, *, author=None, channel=None, content=None, check=None)

This function is a coroutine.

Waits for a message reply from Discord. This could be seen as another discord.on_message() event outside of the actual event. This could also be used for follow-ups and easier user interactions.

The keyword arguments passed into this function are combined using the logical and operator. The check keyword argument can be used to pass in more complicated checks and must be a regular function (not a coroutine).

The timeout parameter is passed into asyncio.wait_for. By default, it does not timeout. Instead of throwing asyncio.TimeoutError the coroutine catches the exception and returns None instead of a Message.

If the check predicate throws an exception, then the exception is propagated.

This function returns the first message that meets the requirements.


Basic example:

async def on_message(message):
    if message.content.startswith('$greet'):
        await client.send_message(message.channel, 'Say hello')
        msg = await client.wait_for_message(author=message.author, content='hello')
        await client.send_message(message.channel, 'Hello.')

Asking for a follow-up question:

async def on_message(message):
    if message.content.startswith('$start'):
        await client.send_message(message.channel, 'Type $stop 4 times.')
        for i in range(4):
            msg = await client.wait_for_message(author=message.author, content='$stop')
            fmt = '{} left to go...'
            await client.send_message(message.channel, fmt.format(3 - i))

        await client.send_message(message.channel, 'Good job!')

Advanced filters using check:

async def on_message(message):
    if message.content.startswith('$cool'):
        await client.send_message(message.channel, 'Who is cool? Type $name namehere')

        def check(msg):
            return msg.content.startswith('$name')

        message = await client.wait_for_message(author=message.author, check=check)
        name = message.content[len('$name'):].strip()
        await client.send_message(message.channel, '{} is cool indeed'.format(name))
  • timeout (float) – The number of seconds to wait before returning None.
  • author (Member or User) – The author the message must be from.
  • channel (Channel or PrivateChannel or Object) – The channel the message must be from.
  • content (str) – The exact content the message must have.
  • check (function) – A predicate for other complicated checks. The predicate must take a Message as its only parameter.

The message that you requested for.

Return type:


wait_for_reaction(emoji=None, *, user=None, timeout=None, message=None, check=None)

This function is a coroutine.

Waits for a message reaction from Discord. This is similar to wait_for_message() and could be seen as another on_reaction_add() event outside of the actual event. This could be used for follow up situations.

Similar to wait_for_message(), the keyword arguments are combined using logical AND operator. The check keyword argument can be used to pass in more complicated checks and must a regular function taking in two arguments, (reaction, user). It must not be a coroutine.

The timeout parameter is passed into asyncio.wait_for. By default, it does not timeout. Instead of throwing asyncio.TimeoutError the coroutine catches the exception and returns None instead of a the (reaction, user) tuple.

If the check predicate throws an exception, then the exception is propagated.

The emoji parameter can be either a Emoji, a str representing an emoji, or a sequence of either type. If the emoji parameter is a sequence then the first reaction emoji that is in the list is returned. If None is passed then the first reaction emoji used is returned.

This function returns the first reaction that meets the requirements.


Basic Example:

async def on_message(message):
    if message.content.startswith('$react'):
        msg = await client.send_message(message.channel, 'React with thumbs up or thumbs down.')
        res = await client.wait_for_reaction(['👍', '👎'], message=msg)
        await client.send_message(message.channel, '{0.user} reacted with {0.reaction.emoji}!'.format(res))

Checking for reaction emoji regardless of skin tone:

async def on_message(message):
    if message.content.startswith('$react'):
        msg = await client.send_message(message.channel, 'React with thumbs up or thumbs down.')

        def check(reaction, user):
            e = str(reaction.emoji)
            return e.startswith(('👍', '👎'))

        res = await client.wait_for_reaction(message=msg, check=check)
        await client.send_message(message.channel, '{0.user} reacted with {0.reaction.emoji}!'.format(res))
  • timeout (float) – The number of seconds to wait before returning None.
  • user (Member or User) – The user the reaction must be from.
  • emoji (str or Emoji or sequence) – The emoji that we are waiting to react with.
  • message (Message) – The message that we want the reaction to be from.
  • check (function) – A predicate for other complicated checks. The predicate must take (reaction, user) as its two parameters, which reaction being a Reaction and user being either a User or a Member.

A namedtuple with attributes reaction and user similar to on_reaction_add().

Return type:



A decorator that registers an event to listen to.

You can find more info about the events on the documentation below.

The events must be a coroutine, if not, ClientException is raised.


Using the basic event() decorator:

def on_ready():

Saving characters by using the async_event() decorator:

def on_ready():

A shorthand decorator for asyncio.coroutine + event().


This function is a coroutine.

Starts a private message with the user. This allows you to send_message() to the user.


This method should rarely be called as send_message() does it automatically for you.


user (User) – The user to start the private message with.

add_reaction(message, emoji)

This function is a coroutine.

Add a reaction to the given message.

The message must be a Message that exists. emoji may be a unicode emoji, or a custom server Emoji.

  • message (Message) – The message to react to.
  • emoji (Emoji or str) – The emoji to react with.
  • HTTPException – Adding the reaction failed.
  • Forbidden – You do not have the proper permissions to react to the message.
  • NotFound – The message or emoji you specified was not found.
  • InvalidArgument – The message or emoji parameter is invalid.
remove_reaction(message, emoji, member)

This function is a coroutine.

Remove a reaction by the member from the given message.

If member != server.me, you need Manage Messages to remove the reaction.

The message must be a Message that exists. emoji may be a unicode emoji, or a custom server Emoji.

  • message (Message) – The message.
  • emoji (Emoji or str) – The emoji to remove.
  • member (Member) – The member for which to delete the reaction.
  • HTTPException – Removing the reaction failed.
  • Forbidden – You do not have the proper permissions to remove the reaction.
  • NotFound – The message or emoji you specified was not found.
  • InvalidArgument – The message or emoji parameter is invalid.
get_reaction_users(reaction, limit=100, after=None)

This function is a coroutine.

Get the users that added a reaction to a message.

  • reaction (Reaction) – The reaction to retrieve users for.
  • limit (int) – The maximum number of results to return.
  • after (Member or Object) – For pagination, reactions are sorted by member.
  • HTTPException – Getting the users for the reaction failed.
  • NotFound – The message or emoji you specified was not found.
  • InvalidArgument – The reaction parameter is invalid.

This function is a coroutine.

Removes all the reactions from a given message.

You need Manage Messages permission to use this.


message (Message) – The message to remove all reactions from.

  • HTTPException – Removing the reactions failed.
  • Forbidden – You do not have the proper permissions to remove all the reactions.
send_message(destination, content=None, *, tts=False, embed=None)

This function is a coroutine.

Sends a message to the destination given with the content given.

The destination could be a Channel, PrivateChannel or Server. For convenience it could also be a User. If it’s a User or PrivateChannel then it sends the message via private message, otherwise it sends the message to the channel. If the destination is a Server then it’s equivalent to calling Server.default_channel and sending it there.

If it is a Object instance then it is assumed to be the destination ID. The destination ID is a channel so passing in a user ID will not be a valid destination.

Changed in version 0.9.0: str being allowed was removed and replaced with Object.

The content must be a type that can convert to a string through str(content). If the content is set to None (the default), then the embed parameter must be provided.

If the embed parameter is provided, it must be of type Embed and it must be a rich embed type.

  • destination – The location to send the message.
  • content – The content of the message to send. If this is missing, then the embed parameter must be present.
  • tts (bool) – Indicates if the message should be sent using text-to-speech.
  • embed (Embed) – The rich embed for the content.
  • HTTPException – Sending the message failed.
  • Forbidden – You do not have the proper permissions to send the message.
  • NotFound – The destination was not found and hence is invalid.
  • InvalidArgument – The destination parameter is invalid.


Sending a regular message:

await client.send_message(message.channel, 'Hello')

Sending a TTS message:

await client.send_message(message.channel, 'Goodbye.', tts=True)

Sending an embed message:

em = discord.Embed(title='My Embed Title', description='My Embed Content.', colour=0xDEADBF)
em.set_author(name='Someone', icon_url=client.user.default_avatar_url)
await client.send_message(message.channel, embed=em)
Returns:The message that was sent.
Return type:Message

This function is a coroutine.

Send a typing status to the destination.

Typing status will go away after 10 seconds, or after a message is sent.

The destination parameter follows the same rules as send_message().

Parameters:destination – The location to send the typing update.
send_file(destination, fp, *, filename=None, content=None, tts=False)

This function is a coroutine.

Sends a message to the destination given with the file given.

The destination parameter follows the same rules as send_message().

The fp parameter should be either a string denoting the location for a file or a file-like object. The file-like object passed is not closed at the end of execution. You are responsible for closing it yourself.


If the file-like object passed is opened via open then the modes ‘rb’ should be used.

The filename parameter is the filename of the file. If this is not given then it defaults to fp.name or if fp is a string then the filename will default to the string given. You can overwrite this value by passing this in.

  • destination – The location to send the message.
  • fp – The file-like object or file path to send.
  • filename (str) – The filename of the file. Defaults to fp.name if it’s available.
  • content – The content of the message to send along with the file. This is forced into a string by a str(content) call.
  • tts (bool) – If the content of the message should be sent with TTS enabled.

HTTPException – Sending the file failed.


The message sent.

Return type:



This function is a coroutine.

Deletes a Message.

Your own messages could be deleted without any proper permissions. However to delete other people’s messages, you need the proper permissions to do so.


message (Message) – The message to delete.

  • Forbidden – You do not have proper permissions to delete the message.
  • HTTPException – Deleting the message failed.

This function is a coroutine.

Deletes a list of messages. This is similar to delete_message() except it bulk deletes multiple messages.

The channel to check where the message is deleted from is handled via the first element of the iterable’s .channel.id attributes. If the channel is not consistent throughout the entire sequence, then an HTTPException will be raised.

Usable only by bot accounts.


messages (iterable of Message) – An iterable of messages denoting which ones to bulk delete.

  • ClientException – The number of messages to delete is less than 2 or more than 100.
  • Forbidden – You do not have proper permissions to delete the messages or you’re not using a bot account.
  • HTTPException – Deleting the messages failed.
purge_from(channel, *, limit=100, check=None, before=None, after=None, around=None)

This function is a coroutine.

Purges a list of messages that meet the criteria given by the predicate check. If a check is not provided then all messages are deleted without discrimination.

You must have Manage Messages permission to delete messages even if they are your own. The Read Message History permission is also needed to retrieve message history.

Usable only by bot accounts.

  • channel (Channel) – The channel to purge from.
  • limit (int) – The number of messages to search through. This is not the number of messages that will be deleted, though it can be.
  • check (predicate) – The function used to check if a message should be deleted. It must take a Message as its sole parameter.
  • before (Message or datetime) – The message or date before which all deleted messages must be. If a date is provided it must be a timezone-naive datetime representing UTC time.
  • after (Message or datetime) – The message or date after which all deleted messages must be. If a date is provided it must be a timezone-naive datetime representing UTC time.
  • around (Message or datetime) – The message or date around which all deleted messages must be. If a date is provided it must be a timezone-naive datetime representing UTC time.
  • Forbidden – You do not have proper permissions to do the actions required or you’re not using a bot account.
  • HTTPException – Purging the messages failed.


Deleting bot’s messages

def is_me(m):
    return m.author == client.user

deleted = await client.purge_from(channel, limit=100, check=is_me)
await client.send_message(channel, 'Deleted {} message(s)'.format(len(deleted)))
Returns:The list of messages that were deleted.
Return type:list
edit_message(message, new_content=None, *, embed=None)

This function is a coroutine.

Edits a Message with the new message content.

The new_content must be able to be transformed into a string via str(new_content).

If the new_content is not provided, then embed must be provided, which must be of type Embed.

The Message object is not directly modified afterwards until the corresponding WebSocket event is received.

  • message (Message) – The message to edit.
  • new_content – The new content to replace the message with.
  • embed (Embed) – The new embed to replace the original embed with.

HTTPException – Editing the message failed.


The new edited message.

Return type:


get_message(channel, id)

This function is a coroutine.

Retrieves a single Message from a Channel.

This can only be used by bot accounts.

  • channel (Channel or PrivateChannel) – The text channel to retrieve the message from.
  • id (str) – The message ID to look for.

The message asked for.

Return type:


  • NotFound – The specified channel or message was not found.
  • Forbidden – You do not have the permissions required to get a message.
  • HTTPException – Retrieving the message failed.

This function is a coroutine.

Pins a message. You must have Manage Messages permissions to do this in a non-private channel context.


message (Message) – The message to pin.

  • Forbidden – You do not have permissions to pin the message.
  • NotFound – The message or channel was not found.
  • HTTPException – Pinning the message failed, probably due to the channel having more than 50 pinned messages.

This function is a coroutine.

Unpins a message. You must have Manage Messages permissions to do this in a non-private channel context.


message (Message) – The message to unpin.

  • Forbidden – You do not have permissions to unpin the message.
  • NotFound – The message or channel was not found.
  • HTTPException – Unpinning the message failed.

This function is a coroutine.

Returns a list of Message that are currently pinned for the specified Channel or PrivateChannel.


channel (Channel or PrivateChannel) – The channel to look through pins for.

logs_from(channel, limit=100, *, before=None, after=None, around=None, reverse=False)

This function is a coroutine.

This coroutine returns a generator that obtains logs from a specified channel.

  • channel (Channel or PrivateChannel) – The channel to obtain the logs from.
  • limit (int) – The number of messages to retrieve.
  • before (Message or datetime) – The message or date before which all returned messages must be. If a date is provided it must be a timezone-naive datetime representing UTC time.
  • after (Message or datetime) – The message or date after which all returned messages must be. If a date is provided it must be a timezone-naive datetime representing UTC time.
  • around (Message or datetime) – The message or date around which all returned messages must be. If a date is provided it must be a timezone-naive datetime representing UTC time.
  • Forbidden – You do not have permissions to get channel logs.
  • NotFound – The channel you are requesting for doesn’t exist.
  • HTTPException – The request to get logs failed.

Message – The message with the message data parsed.


Basic logging:

logs = yield from client.logs_from(channel)
for message in logs:
    if message.content.startswith('!hello'):
        if message.author == client.user:
            yield from client.edit_message(message, 'goodbye')

Python 3.5 Usage

counter = 0
async for message in client.logs_from(channel, limit=500):
    if message.author == client.user:
        counter += 1

This function is a coroutine.

Requests previously offline members from the server to be filled up into the Server.members cache. This function is usually not called.

When the client logs on and connects to the websocket, Discord does not provide the library with offline members if the number of members in the server is larger than 250. You can check if a server is large if Server.large is True.

Parameters:server (Server or iterable) – The server to request offline members for. If this parameter is a iterable then it is interpreted as an iterator of servers to request offline members for.

This function is a coroutine.

Kicks a Member from the server they belong to.


This function kicks the Member based on the server it belongs to, which is accessed via Member.server. So you must have the proper permissions in that server.


member (Member) – The member to kick from their server.

ban(member, delete_message_days=1)

This function is a coroutine.

Bans a Member from the server they belong to.


This function bans the Member based on the server it belongs to, which is accessed via Member.server. So you must have the proper permissions in that server.

  • member (Member) – The member to ban from their server.
  • delete_message_days (int) – The number of days worth of messages to delete from the user in the server. The minimum is 0 and the maximum is 7.
unban(server, user)

This function is a coroutine.

Unbans a User from the server they are banned from.

  • server (Server) – The server to unban the user from.
  • user (User) – The user to unban.
server_voice_state(member, *, mute=None, deafen=None)

This function is a coroutine.

Server mutes or deafens a specific Member.


This function mutes or un-deafens the Member based on the server it belongs to, which is accessed via Member.server. So you must have the proper permissions in that server.

  • member (Member) – The member to unban from their server.
  • mute (Optional[bool]) – Indicates if the member should be server muted or un-muted.
  • deafen (Optional[bool]) – Indicates if the member should be server deafened or un-deafened.
  • Forbidden – You do not have the proper permissions to deafen or mute.
  • HTTPException – The operation failed.
edit_profile(password=None, **fields)

This function is a coroutine.

Edits the current profile of the client.

If a bot account is used then the password field is optional, otherwise it is required.

The Client.user object is not modified directly afterwards until the corresponding WebSocket event is received.


To upload an avatar, a bytes-like object must be passed in that represents the image being uploaded. If this is done through a file then the file must be opened via open('some_filename', 'rb') and the bytes-like object is given through the use of fp.read().

The only image formats supported for uploading is JPEG and PNG.

  • password (str) – The current password for the client’s account. Not used for bot accounts.
  • new_password (str) – The new password you wish to change to.
  • email (str) – The new email you wish to change to.
  • username (str) – The new username you wish to change to.
  • avatar (bytes) – A bytes-like object representing the image to upload. Could be None to denote no avatar.
change_status(game=None, idle=False)

This function is a coroutine.

Changes the client’s status.

The game parameter is a Game object (not a string) that represents a game being played currently.

The idle parameter is a boolean parameter that indicates whether the client should go idle or not.

Deprecated since version v0.13.0: Use change_presence() instead.

  • game (Optional[Game]) – The game being played. None if no game is being played.
  • idle (bool) – Indicates if the client should go idle.

InvalidArgument – If the game parameter is not Game or None.

change_presence(*, game=None, status=None, afk=False)

This function is a coroutine.

Changes the client’s presence.

The game parameter is a Game object (not a string) that represents a game being played currently.

  • game (Optional[Game]) – The game being played. None if no game is being played.
  • status (Optional[Status]) – Indicates what status to change to. If None, then Status.online is used.
  • afk (bool) – Indicates if you are going AFK. This allows the discord client to know how to handle push notifications better for you in case you are actually idle and not lying.

InvalidArgument – If the game parameter is not Game or None.

change_nickname(member, nickname)

This function is a coroutine.

Changes a member’s nickname.

You must have the proper permissions to change someone’s (or your own) nickname.

  • member (Member) – The member to change the nickname for.
  • nickname (Optional[str]) – The nickname to change it to. None to remove the nickname.
  • Forbidden – You do not have permissions to change the nickname.
  • HTTPException – Changing the nickname failed.
edit_channel(channel, **options)

This function is a coroutine.

Edits a Channel.

You must have the proper permissions to edit the channel.

To move the channel’s position use move_channel() instead.

The Channel object is not directly modified afterwards until the corresponding WebSocket event is received.

  • channel (Channel) – The channel to update.
  • name (str) – The new channel name.
  • topic (str) – The new channel’s topic.
  • bitrate (int) – The new channel’s bitrate. Voice only.
  • user_limit (int) – The new channel’s user limit. Voice only.
  • Forbidden – You do not have permissions to edit the channel.
  • HTTPException – Editing the channel failed.
move_channel(channel, position)

This function is a coroutine.

Moves the specified Channel to the given position in the GUI. Note that voice channels and text channels have different position values.

The Channel object is not directly modified afterwards until the corresponding WebSocket event is received.


Object instances do not work with this function.

  • channel (Channel) – The channel to change positions of.
  • position (int) – The position to insert the channel to.
  • InvalidArgument – If position is less than 0 or greater than the number of channels.
  • Forbidden – You do not have permissions to change channel order.
  • HTTPException – If moving the channel failed, or you are of too low rank to move the channel.
create_channel(server, name, *overwrites, type=None)

This function is a coroutine.

Creates a Channel in the specified Server.

Note that you need the proper permissions to create the channel.

The overwrites argument list can be used to create a ‘secret’ channel upon creation. A namedtuple of ChannelPermissions is exposed to create a channel-specific permission overwrite in a more self-documenting matter. You can also use a regular tuple of (target, overwrite) where the overwrite expected has to be of type PermissionOverwrite.


Creating a voice channel:

await client.create_channel(server, 'Voice', type=discord.ChannelType.voice)

Creating a ‘secret’ text channel:

everyone_perms = discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False)
my_perms = discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True)

everyone = discord.ChannelPermissions(target=server.default_role, overwrite=everyone_perms)
mine = discord.ChannelPermissions(target=server.me, overwrite=my_perms)
await client.create_channel(server, 'secret', everyone, mine)

Or in a more ‘compact’ way:

everyone = discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False)
mine = discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True)
await client.create_channel(server, 'secret', (server.default_role, everyone), (server.me, mine))
  • server (Server) – The server to create the channel in.
  • name (str) – The channel’s name.
  • type (ChannelType) – The type of channel to create. Defaults to ChannelType.text.
  • overwrites – An argument list of channel specific overwrites to apply on the channel on creation. Useful for creating ‘secret’ channels.
  • Forbidden – You do not have the proper permissions to create the channel.
  • NotFound – The server specified was not found.
  • HTTPException – Creating the channel failed.
  • InvalidArgument – The permission overwrite array is not in proper form.

The channel that was just created. This channel is different than the one that will be added in cache.

Return type:



This function is a coroutine.

Deletes a Channel.

In order to delete the channel, the client must have the proper permissions in the server the channel belongs to.


channel (Channel) – The channel to delete.

  • Forbidden – You do not have proper permissions to delete the channel.
  • NotFound – The specified channel was not found.
  • HTTPException – Deleting the channel failed.

This function is a coroutine.

Leaves a Server.


You cannot leave the server that you own, you must delete it instead via delete_server().

Parameters:server (Server) – The server to leave.
Raises:HTTPException – If leaving the server failed.

This function is a coroutine.

Deletes a Server. You must be the server owner to delete the server.


server (Server) – The server to delete.

  • HTTPException – If deleting the server failed.
  • Forbidden – You do not have permissions to delete the server.
create_server(name, region=None, icon=None)

This function is a coroutine.

Creates a Server.

Bot accounts generally are not allowed to create servers. See Discord’s official documentation for more info.

  • name (str) – The name of the server.
  • region (ServerRegion) – The region for the voice communication server. Defaults to ServerRegion.us_west.
  • icon (bytes) – The bytes-like object representing the icon. See edit_profile() for more details on what is expected.

The server created. This is not the same server that is added to cache.

Return type:


edit_server(server, **fields)

This function is a coroutine.

Edits a Server.

You must have the proper permissions to edit the server.

The Server object is not directly modified afterwards until the corresponding WebSocket event is received.

  • server (Server) – The server to edit.
  • name (str) – The new name of the server.
  • icon (bytes) – A bytes-like object representing the icon. See edit_profile() for more details. Could be None to denote no icon.
  • splash (bytes) – A bytes-like object representing the invite splash. See edit_profile() for more details. Could be None to denote no invite splash. Only available for partnered servers with INVITE_SPLASH feature.
  • region (ServerRegion) – The new region for the server’s voice communication.
  • afk_channel (Optional[Channel]) – The new channel that is the AFK channel. Could be None for no AFK channel.
  • afk_timeout (int) – The number of seconds until someone is moved to the AFK channel.
  • owner (Member) – The new owner of the server to transfer ownership to. Note that you must be owner of the server to do this.
  • verification_level (VerificationLevel) – The new verification level for the server.
  • Forbidden – You do not have permissions to edit the server.
  • NotFound – The server you are trying to edit does not exist.
  • HTTPException – Editing the server failed.
  • InvalidArgument – The image format passed in to icon is invalid. It must be PNG or JPG. This is also raised if you are not the owner of the server and request an ownership transfer.

This function is a coroutine.

Retrieves all the User s that are banned from the specified server.

You must have proper permissions to get this information.


server (Server) – The server to get ban information from.

  • Forbidden – You do not have proper permissions to get the information.
  • HTTPException – An error occurred while fetching the information.

A list of User that have been banned.

Return type:


prune_members(server, *, days)

This function is a coroutine.

Prunes a Server from its inactive members.

The inactive members are denoted if they have not logged on in days number of days and they have no roles.

You must have the “Kick Members” permission to use this.

To check how many members you would prune without actually pruning, see the estimate_pruned_members() function.

  • server (Server) – The server to prune from.
  • days (int) – The number of days before counting as inactive.

The number of members pruned.

Return type:


estimate_pruned_members(server, *, days)

This function is a coroutine.

Similar to prune_members() except instead of actually pruning members, it returns how many members it would prune from the server had it been called.

  • server (Server) – The server to estimate a prune from.
  • days (int) – The number of days before counting as inactive.
  • Forbidden – You do not have permissions to prune members.
  • HTTPException – An error occurred while fetching the prune members estimate.
  • InvalidArgument – An integer was not passed for days.

The number of members estimated to be pruned.

Return type:


create_custom_emoji(server, *, name, image)

This function is a coroutine.

Creates a custom Emoji for a Server.

This endpoint is only allowed for user bots or white listed bots. If this is done by a user bot then this is a local emoji that can only be used inside that server.

There is currently a limit of 50 local emotes per server.

  • server (Server) – The server to add the emoji to.
  • name (str) – The emoji name. Must be at least 2 characters.
  • image (bytes) – The bytes-like object representing the image data to use. Only JPG and PNG images are supported.

The created emoji.

Return type:



This function is a coroutine.

Deletes a custom Emoji from a Server.

This follows the same rules as create_custom_emoji().


emoji (Emoji) – The emoji to delete.

edit_custom_emoji(emoji, *, name)

This function is a coroutine.

Edits a Emoji.

  • emoji (Emoji) – The emoji to edit.
  • name (str) – The new emoji name.
create_invite(destination, **options)

This function is a coroutine.

Creates an invite for the destination which could be either a Server or Channel.

  • destination – The Server or Channel to create the invite to.
  • max_age (int) – How long the invite should last. If it’s 0 then the invite doesn’t expire. Defaults to 0.
  • max_uses (int) – How many uses the invite could be used for. If it’s 0 then there are unlimited uses. Defaults to 0.
  • temporary (bool) – Denotes that the invite grants temporary membership (i.e. they get kicked after they disconnect). Defaults to False.
  • unique (bool) – Indicates if a unique invite URL should be created. Defaults to True. If this is set to False then it will return a previously created invite.

HTTPException – Invite creation failed.


The invite that was created.

Return type:



This function is a coroutine.

Gets a Invite from a discord.gg URL or ID.


If the invite is for a server you have not joined, the server and channel attributes of the returned invite will be Object with the names patched in.


url (str) – The discord invite ID or URL (must be a discord.gg URL).


The invite from the URL/ID.

Return type:



This function is a coroutine.

Returns a list of all active instant invites from a Server.

You must have proper permissions to get this information.


server (Server) – The server to get invites from.

  • Forbidden – You do not have proper permissions to get the information.
  • HTTPException – An error occurred while fetching the information.

The list of invites that are currently active.

Return type:

list of Invite


This function is a coroutine.

Accepts an Invite, URL or ID to an invite.

The URL must be a discord.gg URL. e.g. “http://discord.gg/codehere”. An ID for the invite is just the “codehere” portion of the invite URL.


invite – The Invite or URL to an invite to accept.

  • HTTPException – Accepting the invite failed.
  • NotFound – The invite is invalid or expired.
  • Forbidden – You are a bot user and cannot use this endpoint.

This function is a coroutine.

Revokes an Invite, URL, or ID to an invite.

The invite parameter follows the same rules as accept_invite().


invite – The invite to revoke.

  • Forbidden – You do not have permissions to revoke invites.
  • NotFound – The invite is invalid or expired.
  • HTTPException – Revoking the invite failed.
move_role(server, role, position)

This function is a coroutine.

Moves the specified Role to the given position in the Server.

The Role object is not directly modified afterwards until the corresponding WebSocket event is received.

  • server (Server) – The server the role belongs to.
  • role (Role) – The role to edit.
  • position (int) – The position to insert the role to.
  • InvalidArgument – If position is 0, or role is server.default_role
  • Forbidden – You do not have permissions to change role order.
  • HTTPException – If moving the role failed, or you are of too low rank to move the role.
edit_role(server, role, **fields)

This function is a coroutine.

Edits the specified Role for the entire Server.

The Role object is not directly modified afterwards until the corresponding WebSocket event is received.

All fields except server and role are optional. To change the position of a role, use move_role() instead.

Changed in version 0.8.0: Editing now uses keyword arguments instead of editing the Role object directly.

  • server (Server) – The server the role belongs to.
  • role (Role) – The role to edit.
  • name (str) – The new role name to change to.
  • permissions (Permissions) – The new permissions to change to.
  • colour (Colour) – The new colour to change to. (aliased to color as well)
  • hoist (bool) – Indicates if the role should be shown separately in the online list.
  • mentionable (bool) – Indicates if the role should be mentionable by others.
delete_role(server, role)

This function is a coroutine.

Deletes the specified Role for the entire Server.

  • server (Server) – The server the role belongs to.
  • role (Role) – The role to delete.
add_roles(member, *roles)

This function is a coroutine.

Gives the specified Member a number of Role s.

You must have the proper permissions to use this function.

The Member object is not directly modified afterwards until the corresponding WebSocket event is received.

  • member (Member) – The member to give roles to.
  • *roles – An argument list of Role s to give the member.
remove_roles(member, *roles)

This function is a coroutine.

Removes the Role s from the Member.

You must have the proper permissions to use this function.

The Member object is not directly modified afterwards until the corresponding WebSocket event is received.

  • member (Member) – The member to revoke roles from.
  • *roles – An argument list of Role s to revoke the member.
replace_roles(member, *roles)

This function is a coroutine.

Replaces the Member’s roles.

You must have the proper permissions to use this function.

This function replaces all roles that the member has. For example if the member has roles [a, b, c] and the call is client.replace_roles(member, d, e, c) then the member has the roles [d, e, c].

The Member object is not directly modified afterwards until the corresponding WebSocket event is received.

  • member (Member) – The member to replace roles from.
  • *roles – An argument list of Role s to replace the roles with.
create_role(server, **fields)

This function is a coroutine.

Creates a Role.

This function is similar to edit_role in both the fields taken and exceptions thrown.

Returns:The newly created role. This not the same role that is stored in cache.
Return type:Role
edit_channel_permissions(channel, target, overwrite=None)

This function is a coroutine.

Sets the channel specific permission overwrites for a target in the specified Channel.

The target parameter should either be a Member or a Role that belongs to the channel’s server.

You must have the proper permissions to do this.


Setting allow and deny:

overwrite = discord.PermissionOverwrite()
overwrite.read_messages = True
overwrite.ban_members = False
await client.edit_channel_permissions(message.channel, message.author, overwrite)
  • channel (Channel) – The channel to give the specific permissions for.
  • target – The Member or Role to overwrite permissions for.
  • overwrite (PermissionOverwrite) – The permissions to allow and deny to the target.
delete_channel_permissions(channel, target)

This function is a coroutine.

Removes a channel specific permission overwrites for a target in the specified Channel.

The target parameter follows the same rules as edit_channel_permissions().

You must have the proper permissions to do this.

  • channel (Channel) – The channel to give the specific permissions for.
  • target – The Member or Role to overwrite permissions for.
  • Forbidden – You do not have permissions to delete channel specific permissions.
  • NotFound – The channel specified was not found.
  • HTTPException – Deleting channel specific permissions failed.
move_member(member, channel)

This function is a coroutine.

Moves a Member to a different voice channel.

You must have proper permissions to do this.


You cannot pass in a Object instead of a Channel object in this function.

  • member (Member) – The member to move to another voice channel.
  • channel (Channel) – The voice channel to move the member to.

This function is a coroutine.

Joins a voice channel and creates a VoiceClient to establish your connection to the voice server.

After this function is successfully called, voice is set to the returned VoiceClient.


channel (Channel) – The voice channel to join to.

  • InvalidArgument – The channel was not a voice channel.
  • asyncio.TimeoutError – Could not connect to the voice channel in time.
  • ClientException – You are already connected to a voice channel.
  • OpusNotLoaded – The opus library has not been loaded.

A voice client that is fully connected to the voice server.

Return type:



Indicates if we are currently connected to a voice channel in the specified server.

Parameters:server (Server) – The server to query if we’re connected to it.

Returns the voice client associated with a server.

If no voice client is found then None is returned.

Parameters:server (Server) – The server to query if we have a voice client for.
Returns:The voice client associated with the server.
Return type:VoiceClient

Returns the GroupCall associated with a private channel.

If no group call is found then None is returned.

Parameters:channel (PrivateChannel) – The group private channel to query the group call for.
Returns:The group call.
Return type:Optional[GroupCall]

This function is a coroutine.

Retrieve’s the bot’s application information.

Returns:A namedtuple representing the application info.
Return type:AppInfo
Raises:HTTPException – Retrieving the information failed somehow.

This function is a coroutine.

Retrieves a User based on their ID. This can only be used by bot accounts. You do not have to share any servers with the user to get this information, however many operations do require that you do.


user_id (str) – The user’s ID to fetch from.


The user you requested.

Return type:




class discord.VoiceClient(user, main_ws, session_id, channel, data, loop)

Represents a Discord voice connection.

This client is created solely through Client.join_voice_channel() and its only purpose is to transmit voice.


In order to play audio, you must have loaded the opus library through opus.load_opus().

If you don’t do this then the library will not be able to transmit audio.


str – The voice connection session ID.


str – The voice connection token.


User – The user connected to voice.


str – The endpoint we are connecting to.


Channel – The voice channel connected to.


Server – The server the voice channel is connected to. Shorthand for channel.server.


The event loop that the voice client is running on.


This function is a coroutine. Reads from the voice websocket while connected.


This function is a coroutine.

Disconnects all connections to the voice client.

In order to reconnect, you must create another voice client using Client.join_voice_channel().


This function is a coroutine.

Moves you to a different voice channel.


Object instances do not work with this function.

Parameters:channel (Channel) – The channel to move to. Must be a voice channel.
Raises:InvalidArgument – Not a voice channel.

bool : Indicates if the voice client is connected to voice.

create_ffmpeg_player(filename, *, use_avconv=False, pipe=False, stderr=None, options=None, before_options=None, headers=None, after=None)

Creates a stream player for ffmpeg that launches in a separate thread to play audio.

The ffmpeg player launches a subprocess of ffmpeg to a specific filename and then plays that file.

You must have the ffmpeg or avconv executable in your path environment variable in order for this to work.

The operations that can be done on the player are the same as those in create_stream_player().


Basic usage:

voice = await client.join_voice_channel(channel)
player = voice.create_ffmpeg_player('cool.mp3')
  • filename – The filename that ffmpeg will take and convert to PCM bytes. If pipe is True then this is a file-like object that is passed to the stdin of ffmpeg.
  • use_avconv (bool) – Use avconv instead of ffmpeg.
  • pipe (bool) – If true, denotes that filename parameter will be passed to the stdin of ffmpeg.
  • stderr – A file-like object or subprocess.PIPE to pass to the Popen constructor.
  • options (str) – Extra command line flags to pass to ffmpeg after the -i flag.
  • before_options (str) – Command line flags to pass to ffmpeg before the -i flag.
  • headers (dict) – HTTP headers dictionary to pass to -headers command line option
  • after (callable) – The finalizer that is called after the stream is done being played. All exceptions the finalizer throws are silently discarded.

ClientException – Popen failed to due to an error in ffmpeg or avconv.


A stream player with specific operations. See create_stream_player().

Return type:


create_ytdl_player(url, *, ytdl_options=None, **kwargs)

This function is a coroutine.

Creates a stream player for youtube or other services that launches in a separate thread to play the audio.

The player uses the youtube_dl python library to get the information required to get audio from the URL. Since this uses an external library, you must install it yourself. You can do so by calling pip install youtube_dl.

You must have the ffmpeg or avconv executable in your path environment variable in order for this to work.

The operations that can be done on the player are the same as those in create_stream_player(). The player has been augmented and enhanced to have some info extracted from the URL. If youtube-dl fails to extract the information then the attribute is None. The yt, url, and download_url attributes are always available.

Operation Description
player.yt The YoutubeDL <ytdl> instance.
player.url The URL that is currently playing.
player.download_url The URL that is currently being downloaded to ffmpeg.
player.title The title of the audio stream.
player.description The description of the audio stream.
player.uploader The uploader of the audio stream.
player.upload_date A datetime.date object of when the stream was uploaded.
player.duration The duration of the audio in seconds.
player.likes How many likes the audio stream has.
player.dislikes How many dislikes the audio stream has.
player.is_live Checks if the audio stream is currently livestreaming.
player.views How many views the audio stream has.


Basic usage:

voice = await client.join_voice_channel(channel)
player = await voice.create_ytdl_player('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d62TYemN6MQ')
  • url (str) – The URL that youtube_dl will take and download audio to pass to ffmpeg or avconv to convert to PCM bytes.
  • ytdl_options (dict) – A dictionary of options to pass into the YoutubeDL instance. See the documentation for more details.
  • **kwargs – The rest of the keyword arguments are forwarded to create_ffmpeg_player().

ClientException – Popen failure from either ffmpeg/avconv.


An augmented StreamPlayer that uses ffmpeg. See create_stream_player() for base operations.

Return type:


encoder_options(*, sample_rate, channels=2)

Sets the encoder options for the OpusEncoder.

Calling this after you create a stream player via create_ffmpeg_player() or create_stream_player() has no effect.

  • sample_rate (int) – Sets the sample rate of the OpusEncoder. The unit is in Hz.
  • channels (int) – Sets the number of channels for the OpusEncoder. 2 for stereo, 1 for mono.

InvalidArgument – The values provided are invalid.

create_stream_player(stream, *, after=None)

Creates a stream player that launches in a separate thread to play audio.

The stream player assumes that stream.read is a valid function that returns a bytes-like object.

The finalizer, after is called after the stream has been exhausted or an error occurred (see below).

The following operations are valid on the StreamPlayer object:

Operation Description
player.start() Starts the audio stream.
player.stop() Stops the audio stream.
player.is_done() Returns a bool indicating if the stream is done.
player.is_playing() Returns a bool indicating if the stream is playing.
player.pause() Pauses the audio stream.
player.resume() Resumes the audio stream.
player.volume Allows you to set the volume of the stream. 1.0 is equivalent to 100% and 0.0 is equal to 0%. The maximum the volume can be set to is 2.0 for 200%.
player.error The exception that stopped the player. If no error happened, then this returns None.

The stream must have the same sampling rate as the encoder and the same number of channels. The defaults are 48000 Hz and 2 channels. You could change the encoder options by using encoder_options() but this must be called before this function.

If an error happens while the player is running, the exception is caught and the player is then stopped. The caught exception could then be retrieved via player.error. When the player is stopped in this matter, the finalizer under after is called.

  • stream – The stream object to read from.
  • after – The finalizer that is called after the stream is exhausted. All exceptions it throws are silently discarded. This function can have either no parameters or a single parameter taking in the current player.

A stream player with the operations noted above.

Return type:


play_audio(data, *, encode=True)

Sends an audio packet composed of the data.

You must be connected to play audio.

  • data (bytes) – The bytes-like object denoting PCM or Opus voice data.
  • encode (bool) – Indicates if data should be encoded into Opus.
  • ClientException – You are not connected.
  • OpusError – Encoding the data failed.

Opus Library


Loads the libopus shared library for use with voice.

If this function is not called then the library uses the function ctypes.util.find_library and then loads that one if available.

Not loading a library leads to voice not working.

This function propagates the exceptions thrown.


The bitness of the library must match the bitness of your python interpreter. If the library is 64-bit then your python interpreter must be 64-bit as well. Usually if there’s a mismatch in bitness then the load will throw an exception.


On Windows, the .dll extension is not necessary. However, on Linux the full extension is required to load the library, e.g. libopus.so.1. On Linux however, find library will usually find the library automatically without you having to call this.

Parameters:name (str) – The filename of the shared library.

Function to check if opus lib is successfully loaded either via the ctypes.util.find_library call of load_opus().

This must return True for voice to work.

Returns:Indicates if the opus library has been loaded.
Return type:bool

Event Reference

This page outlines the different types of events listened by Client.

There are two ways to register an event, the first way is through the use of Client.event(). The second way is through subclassing Client and overriding the specific events. For example:

import discord

class MyClient(discord.Client):

    def on_message(self, message):
        yield from self.send_message(message.channel, 'Hello World!')

If an event handler raises an exception, on_error() will be called to handle it, which defaults to print a traceback and ignore the exception.


All the events must be a coroutine. If they aren’t, then you might get unexpected errors. In order to turn a function into a coroutine they must either be decorated with @asyncio.coroutine or in Python 3.5+ be defined using the async def declaration.

The following two functions are examples of coroutine functions:

async def on_ready():

def on_ready():

Since this can be a potentially common mistake, there is a helper decorator, Client.async_event() to convert a basic function into a coroutine and an event at the same time. Note that it is not necessary if you use async def.

New in version 0.7.0: Subclassing to listen to events.


Called when the client is done preparing the data received from Discord. Usually after login is successful and the Client.servers and co. are filled up.


This function is not guaranteed to be the first event called. Likewise, this function is not guaranteed to only be called once. This library implements reconnection logic and thus will end up calling this event whenever a RESUME request fails.


Called when the client has resumed a session.

discord.on_error(event, *args, **kwargs)

Usually when an event raises an uncaught exception, a traceback is printed to stderr and the exception is ignored. If you want to change this behaviour and handle the exception for whatever reason yourself, this event can be overridden. Which, when done, will supress the default action of printing the traceback.

The information of the exception rasied and the exception itself can be retreived with a standard call to sys.exc_info().

If you want exception to propogate out of the Client class you can define an on_error handler consisting of a single empty raise statement. Exceptions raised by on_error will not be handled in any way by Client.

  • event – The name of the event that raised the exception.
  • args – The positional arguments for the event that raised the exception.
  • kwargs – The keyword arguments for the event that raised the execption.

Called when a message is created and sent to a server.

Parameters:message – A Message of the current message.

Called whenever a message is received from the websocket, before it’s processed.This event is always dispatched when a message is received and the passed data is not processed in any way.

This is only really useful for grabbing the websocket stream and debugging purposes.


This is only for the messages received from the client websocket. The voice websocket will not trigger this event.

Parameters:msg – The message passed in from the websocket library. Could be bytes for a binary message or str for a regular message.

Called whenever a send operation is done on the websocket before the message is sent. The passed parameter is the message that is to sent to the websocket.

This is only really useful for grabbing the websocket stream and debugging purposes.


This is only for the messages received from the client websocket. The voice websocket will not trigger this event.

Parameters:payload – The message that is about to be passed on to the websocket library. It can be bytes to denote a binary message or str to denote a regular text message.

Called when a message is deleted. If the message is not found in the Client.messages cache, then these events will not be called. This happens if the message is too old or the client is participating in high traffic servers. To fix this, increase the max_messages option of Client.

Parameters:message – A Message of the deleted message.
discord.on_message_edit(before, after)

Called when a message receives an update event. If the message is not found in the Client.messages cache, then these events will not be called. This happens if the message is too old or the client is participating in high traffic servers. To fix this, increase the max_messages option of Client.

The following non-exhaustive cases trigger this event:

  • A message has been pinned or unpinned.
  • The message content has been changed.
  • The message has received an embed.
    • For performance reasons, the embed server does not do this in a “consistent” manner.
  • A call message has received an update to its participants or ending time.
  • before – A Message of the previous version of the message.
  • after – A Message of the current version of the message.
discord.on_reaction_add(reaction, user)

Called when a message has a reaction added to it. Similar to on_message_edit, if the message is not found in the Client.messages cache, then this event will not be called.


To get the message being reacted, access it via Reaction.message.

  • reaction – A Reaction showing the current state of the reaction.
  • user – A User or Member of the user who added the reaction.
discord.on_reaction_remove(reaction, user)

Called when a message has a reaction removed from it. Similar to on_message_edit, if the message is not found in the Client.messages cache, then this event will not be called.


To get the message being reacted, access it via Reaction.message.

  • reaction – A Reaction showing the current state of the reaction.
  • user – A User or Member of the user who removed the reaction.
discord.on_reaction_clear(message, reactions)

Called when a message has all its reactions removed from it. Similar to on_message_edit, if the message is not found in the Client.messages cache, then this event will not be called.

  • message – The Message that had its reactions cleared.
  • reactions – A list of Reactions that were removed.

Called whenever a channel is removed or added from a server.

Note that you can get the server from Channel.server. on_channel_create() could also pass in a PrivateChannel depending on the value of Channel.is_private.

Parameters:channel – The Channel that got added or deleted.
discord.on_channel_update(before, after)

Called whenever a channel is updated. e.g. changed name, topic, permissions.

  • before – The Channel that got updated with the old info.
  • after – The Channel that got updated with the updated info.

Called when a Member leaves or joins a Server.

Parameters:member – The Member that joined or left.
discord.on_member_update(before, after)

Called when a Member updates their profile.

This is called when one or more of the following things change:

  • status
  • game playing
  • avatar
  • nickname
  • roles
  • before – The Member that updated their profile with the old info.
  • after – The Member that updated their profile with the updated info.

Called when a Server is either created by the Client or when the Client joins a server.

Parameters:server – The class:Server that was joined.

Called when a Server is removed from the Client.

This happens through, but not limited to, these circumstances:

  • The client got banned.
  • The client got kicked.
  • The client left the server.
  • The client or the server owner deleted the server.

In order for this event to be invoked then the Client must have been part of the server to begin with. (i.e. it is part of Client.servers)

Parameters:server – The Server that got removed.
discord.on_server_update(before, after)

Called when a Server updates, for example:

  • Changed name
  • Changed AFK channel
  • Changed AFK timeout
  • etc
  • before – The Server prior to being updated.
  • after – The Server after being updated.

Called when a Server creates or deletes a new Role.

To get the server it belongs to, use Role.server.

Parameters:role – The Role that was created or deleted.
discord.on_server_role_update(before, after)

Called when a Role is changed server-wide.

  • before – The Role that updated with the old info.
  • after – The Role that updated with the updated info.
discord.on_server_emojis_update(before, after)

Called when a Server adds or removes Emoji.

  • before – A list of Emoji before the update.
  • after – A list of Emoji after the update.

Called when a server becomes available or unavailable. The server must have existed in the Client.servers cache.

Parameters:server – The Server that has changed availability.
discord.on_voice_state_update(before, after)

Called when a Member changes their voice state.

The following, but not limited to, examples illustrate when this event is called:

  • A member joins a voice room.
  • A member leaves a voice room.
  • A member is muted or deafened by their own accord.
  • A member is muted or deafened by a server administrator.
  • before – The Member whose voice state changed prior to the changes.
  • after – The Member whose voice state changed after the changes.

Called when a Member gets banned from a Server.

You can access the server that the member got banned from via Member.server.

Parameters:member – The member that got banned.
discord.on_member_unban(server, user)

Called when a User gets unbanned from a Server.

  • server – The server the user got unbanned from.
  • user – The user that got unbanned.
discord.on_typing(channel, user, when)

Called when someone begins typing a message.

The channel parameter could either be a PrivateChannel or a Channel. If channel is a PrivateChannel then the user parameter is a User, otherwise it is a Member.

  • channel – The location where the typing originated from.
  • user – The user that started typing.
  • when – A datetime.datetime object representing when typing started.
discord.on_group_join(channel, user)
discord.on_group_remove(channel, user)

Called when someone joins or leaves a group, i.e. a PrivateChannel with a PrivateChannel.type of ChannelType.group.

  • channel – The group that the user joined or left.
  • user – The user that joined or left.

Utility Functions

discord.utils.find(predicate, seq)

A helper to return the first element found in the sequence that meets the predicate. For example:

member = find(lambda m: m.name == 'Mighty', channel.server.members)

would find the first Member whose name is ‘Mighty’ and return it. If an entry is not found, then None is returned.

This is different from filter due to the fact it stops the moment it finds a valid entry.

  • predicate – A function that returns a boolean-like result.
  • seq (iterable) – The iterable to search through.
discord.utils.get(iterable, **attrs)

A helper that returns the first element in the iterable that meets all the traits passed in attrs. This is an alternative for discord.utils.find().

When multiple attributes are specified, they are checked using logical AND, not logical OR. Meaning they have to meet every attribute passed in and not one of them.

To have a nested attribute search (i.e. search by x.y) then pass in x__y as the keyword argument.

If nothing is found that matches the attributes passed, then None is returned.


Basic usage:

member = discord.utils.get(message.server.members, name='Foo')

Multiple attribute matching:

channel = discord.utils.get(server.channels, name='Foo', type=ChannelType.voice)

Nested attribute matching:

channel = discord.utils.get(client.get_all_channels(), server__name='Cool', name='general')
  • iterable – An iterable to search through.
  • **attrs – Keyword arguments that denote attributes to search with.

Returns the creation date in UTC of a discord id.

discord.utils.oauth_url(client_id, permissions=None, server=None, redirect_uri=None)

A helper function that returns the OAuth2 URL for inviting the bot into servers.

  • client_id (str) – The client ID for your bot.
  • permissions (Permissions) – The permissions you’re requesting. If not given then you won’t be requesting any permissions.
  • server (Server) – The server to pre-select in the authorization screen, if available.
  • redirect_uri (str) – An optional valid redirect URI.

Application Info

class discord.AppInfo

A namedtuple representing the bot’s application info.


The application’s client_id.


The application’s name.


The application’s description


The application’s icon hash if it exists, None otherwise.


A property that retrieves the application’s icon URL if it exists.

If it doesn’t exist an empty string is returned.


The owner of the application. This is a User instance with the owner’s information at the time of the call.


The API provides some enumerations for certain types of strings to avoid the API from being stringly typed in case the strings change in the future.

All enumerations are subclasses of enum.

class discord.ChannelType

Specifies the type of Channel.


A text channel.


A voice channel.


A private text channel. Also called a direct message.


A private group text channel.


A server category channel.

class discord.MessageType

Specifies the type of Message. This is used to denote if a message is to be interpreted as a system message or a regular message.


The default message type. This is the same as regular messages.


The system message when a recipient is added to a group private message, i.e. a private channel of type ChannelType.group.


The system message when a recipient is removed from a group private message, i.e. a private channel of type ChannelType.group.


The system message denoting call state, e.g. missed call, started call, etc.


The system message denoting that a channel’s name has been changed.


The system message denoting that a channel’s icon has been changed.


The system message denoting that a pinned message has been added to a channel.

class discord.ServerRegion

Specifies the region a Server’s voice server belongs to.


The US West region.


The US East region.


The US Central region.


The EU West region.


The EU Central region.


The Singapore region.


The London region.


The Sydney region.


The Amsterdam region.


The Frankfurt region.


The Brazil region.


The US East region for VIP servers.


The US West region for VIP servers.


The Amsterdam region for VIP servers.

class discord.VerificationLevel

Specifies a Server’s verification level, which is the criteria in which a member must meet before being able to send messages to the server.


No criteria set.


Member must have a verified email on their Discord account.


Member must have a verified email and be registered on Discord for more than five minutes.


Member must have a verified email, be registered on Discord for more than five minutes, and be a member of the server itself for more than ten minutes.


An alias for high.

class discord.Status

Specifies a Member ‘s status.


The member is online.


The member is offline.


The member is idle.


The member is “Do Not Disturb”.


An alias for dnd.


The member is “invisible”. In reality, this is only used in sending a presence a la Client.change_presence(). When you receive a user’s presence this will be offline instead.

Data Classes

Some classes are just there to be data containers, this lists them.


With the exception of Object, Colour, and Permissions the data classes listed below are not intended to be created by users and are also read-only.

For example, this means that you should not make your own User instances nor should you modify the User instance yourself.

If you want to get one of these data classes instances they’d have to be through the cache, and a common way of doing so is through the utils.find() function or attributes of data classes that you receive from the events specified in the Event Reference.


Nearly all data classes here have __slots__ defined which means that it is impossible to have dynamic attributes to the data classes. The only exception to this rule is Object which was designed with dynamic attributes in mind.

More information about __slots__ can be found in the official python documentation.


class discord.Object(id)

Represents a generic Discord object.

The purpose of this class is to allow you to create ‘miniature’ versions of data classes if you want to pass in just an ID. Most functions that take in a specific data class with an ID can also take in this class as a substitute instead. Note that even though this is the case, not all objects (if any) actually inherit from this class.

There are also some cases where some websocket events are received in strange order and when such events happened you would receive this class rather than the actual data class. These cases are extremely rare.


str – The ID of the object.


Returns the snowflake’s creation time in UTC.


class discord.User

Represents a Discord user.

Supported Operations:

Operation Description
x == y Checks if two users are equal.
x != y Checks if two users are not equal.
hash(x) Return the user’s hash.
str(x) Returns the user’s name with discriminator.

str – The user’s username.


str – The user’s unique ID.


str or int – The user’s discriminator. This is given when the username has conflicts.


str – The avatar hash the user has. Could be None.


bool – Specifies if the user is a bot account.


Returns a friendly URL version of the avatar variable the user has. An empty string if the user has no avatar.


Returns the default avatar for a given user. This is calculated by the user’s descriminator


Returns a URL for a user’s default avatar.


Returns a string that allows you to mention the given user.


An alias for Channel.permissions_for().

Basically equivalent to:

Parameters:channel – The channel to check your permissions for.

Returns the user’s creation time in UTC.

This is when the user’s discord account was created.


Returns the user’s display name.

For regular users this is just their username, but if they have a server specific nickname then that is returned instead.


Checks if the user is mentioned in the specified message.

Parameters:message (Message) – The message to check if you’re mentioned in.


class discord.Message

Represents a message from Discord.

There should be no need to create one of these manually.


Optional[datetime.datetime] – A naive UTC datetime object containing the edited time of the message.


datetime.datetime – A naive UTC datetime object containing the time the message was created.


bool – Specifies if the message was done with text-to-speech.


MessageType – The type of message. In most cases this should not be checked, but it is helpful in cases where it might be a system message for system_content.


A Member that sent the message. If channel is a private channel, then it is a User instead.


str – The actual contents of the message.


The value used by the discord server and the client to verify that the message is successfully sent. This is typically non-important.


list – A list of embedded objects. The elements are objects that meet oEmbed’s specification.


The Channel that the message was sent from. Could be a PrivateChannel if it’s a private message. In very rare cases this could be a Object instead.

For the sake of convenience, this Object instance has an attribute is_private set to True.


Optional[Server] – The server that the message belongs to. If not applicable (i.e. a PM) then it’s None instead.


Optional[CallMessage] – The call that the message refers to. This is only applicable to messages of type MessageType.call.


bool – Specifies if the message mentions everyone.


This does not check if the @everyone text is in the message itself. Rather this boolean indicates if the @everyone text is in the message and it did end up mentioning everyone.


list – A list of Member that were mentioned. If the message is in a private message then the list will be of User instead. For messages that are not of type MessageType.default, this array can be used to aid in system messages. For more information, see system_content.


The order of the mentions list is not in any particular order so you should not rely on it. This is a discord limitation, not one with the library.


list – A list of Channel that were mentioned. If the message is in a private message then the list is always empty.


list – A list of Role that were mentioned. If the message is in a private message then the list is always empty.


str – The message ID.


list – A list of attachments given to a message.


bool – Specifies if the message is currently pinned.


List[Reaction] – Reactions to a message. Reactions can be either custom emoji or standard unicode emoji.


A property that returns an array of user IDs matched with the syntax of <@user_id> in the message content.

This allows you receive the user IDs of mentioned users even in a private message context.


A property that returns an array of channel IDs matched with the syntax of <#channel_id> in the message content.


A property that returns an array of role IDs matched with the syntax of <@&role_id> in the message content.


A property that returns the content in a “cleaned up” manner. This basically means that mentions are transformed into the way the client shows it. e.g. <#id> will transform into #name.

This will also transform @everyone and @here mentions into non-mentions.


A property that returns the content that is rendered regardless of the Message.type.

In the case of MessageType.default, this just returns the regular Message.content. Otherwise this returns an English message denoting the contents of the system message.


class discord.Reaction

Represents a reaction to a message.

Depending on the way this object was created, some of the attributes can have a value of None.

Similar to members, the same reaction to a different message are equal.

Supported Operations:

Operation Description
x == y Checks if two reactions are the same.
x != y Checks if two reactions are not the same.
hash(x) Return the emoji’s hash.

Emoji or str – The reaction emoji. May be a custom emoji, or a unicode emoji.


bool – If this is a custom emoji.


int – Number of times this reaction was made


bool – If the user sent this reaction.


Message – Message this reaction is for.


class discord.Embed(**kwargs)

Represents a Discord embed.

The following attributes can be set during creation of the object:

Certain properties return an EmbedProxy. Which is a type that acts similar to a regular dict except access the attributes via dotted access, e.g. embed.author.icon_url. If the attribute is invalid or empty, then a special sentinel value is returned, Embed.Empty.

For ease of use, all parameters that expect a str are implicitly casted to str for you.


str – The title of the embed.


str – The type of embed. Usually “rich”.


str – The description of the embed.


str – The URL of the embed.


datetime.datetime – The timestamp of the embed content.


Colour or int – The colour code of the embed. Aliased to color as well.


A special sentinel value used by EmbedProxy and this class to denote that the value or attribute is empty.


Returns a EmbedProxy denoting the footer contents.

See set_footer() for possible values you can access.

If the attribute has no value then Empty is returned.

Sets the footer for the embed content.

This function returns the class instance to allow for fluent-style chaining.

  • text (str) – The footer text.
  • icon_url (str) – The URL of the footer icon. Only HTTP(S) is supported.

Returns a EmbedProxy denoting the image contents.

Possible attributes you can access are:

  • url
  • proxy_url
  • width
  • height

If the attribute has no value then Empty is returned.

set_image(*, url)

Sets the image for the embed content.

This function returns the class instance to allow for fluent-style chaining.

Parameters:url (str) – The source URL for the image. Only HTTP(S) is supported.

Returns a EmbedProxy denoting the thumbnail contents.

Possible attributes you can access are:

  • url
  • proxy_url
  • width
  • height

If the attribute has no value then Empty is returned.

set_thumbnail(*, url)

Sets the thumbnail for the embed content.

This function returns the class instance to allow for fluent-style chaining.

Parameters:url (str) – The source URL for the thumbnail. Only HTTP(S) is supported.

Returns a EmbedProxy denoting the video contents.

Possible attributes include:

  • url for the video URL.
  • height for the video height.
  • width for the video width.

If the attribute has no value then Empty is returned.


Returns a EmbedProxy denoting the provider contents.

The only attributes that might be accessed are name and url.

If the attribute has no value then Empty is returned.


Returns a EmbedProxy denoting the author contents.

See set_author() for possible values you can access.

If the attribute has no value then Empty is returned.

set_author(*, name, url=Embed.Empty, icon_url=Embed.Empty)

Sets the author for the embed content.

This function returns the class instance to allow for fluent-style chaining.

  • name (str) – The name of the author.
  • url (str) – The URL for the author.
  • icon_url (str) – The URL of the author icon. Only HTTP(S) is supported.

Returns a list of EmbedProxy denoting the field contents.

See add_field() for possible values you can access.

If the attribute has no value then Empty is returned.

add_field(*, name, value, inline=True)

Adds a field to the embed object.

This function returns the class instance to allow for fluent-style chaining.

  • name (str) – The name of the field.
  • value (str) – The value of the field.
  • inline (bool) – Whether the field should be displayed inline.

Removes all fields from this embed.


Removes a field at a specified index.

If the index is invalid or out of bounds then the error is silently swallowed.


When deleting a field by index, the index of the other fields shift to fill the gap just like a regular list.

Parameters:index (int) – The index of the field to remove.
set_field_at(index, *, name, value, inline=True)

Modifies a field to the embed object.

The index must point to a valid pre-existing field.

This function returns the class instance to allow for fluent-style chaining.

  • index (int) – The index of the field to modify.
  • name (str) – The name of the field.
  • value (str) – The value of the field.
  • inline (bool) – Whether the field should be displayed inline.

IndexError – An invalid index was provided.


Converts this embed object into a dict.


class discord.CallMessage

Represents a group call message from Discord.

This is only received in cases where the message type is equivalent to MessageType.call.


Optional[datetime.datetime] – A naive UTC datetime object that represents the time that the call has ended.


List[User] – The list of users that are participating in this call.


Message – The message associated with this call message.


bool – Indicates if the call has ended.


PrivateChannel– The private channel associated with this message.


Queries the duration of the call.

If the call has not ended then the current duration will be returned.

Returns:The timedelta object representing the duration.
Return type:datetime.timedelta


class discord.GroupCall

Represents the actual group call from Discord.

This is accompanied with a CallMessage denoting the information.


CallMessage – The call message associated with this group call.


bool – Denotes if this group call is unavailable.


List[User] – A list of users that are currently being rung to join the call.


ServerRegion – The server region the group call is being hosted on.


A property that returns the list of User that are currently in this call.


PrivateChannel– Returns the channel the group call is in.


Retrieves the VoiceState for a specified User.

If the User has no voice state then this function returns None.

Parameters:user (User) – The user to retrieve the voice state for.
Returns:The voice state associated with this user.
Return type:Optiona[VoiceState]


class discord.Server

Represents a Discord server.

Supported Operations:

Operation Description
x == y Checks if two servers are equal.
x != y Checks if two servers are not equal.
hash(x) Returns the server’s hash.
str(x) Returns the server’s name.

str – The server name.


Member – Similar to Client.user except an instance of Member. This is essentially used to get the member version of yourself.


A list of Role that the server has available.


A list of Emoji that the server owns.


ServerRegion – The region the server belongs on. There is a chance that the region will be a str if the value is not recognised by the enumerator.


int – The timeout to get sent to the AFK channel.


Channel – The channel that denotes the AFK channel. None if it doesn’t exist.


An iterable of Member that are currently on the server.


An iterable of Channel that are currently on the server.


str – The server’s icon.


str – The server’s ID.


Member – The member who owns the server.


bool – Indicates if the server is unavailable. If this is True then the reliability of other attributes outside of Server.id() is slim and they might all be None. It is best to not do anything with the server if it is unavailable.

Check the on_server_unavailable() and on_server_available() events.


bool – Indicates if the server is a ‘large’ server. A large server is defined as having more than large_threshold count members, which for this library is set to the maximum of 250.


Optional[VoiceClient] – The VoiceClient associated with this server. A shortcut for the Client.voice_client_in() call.


int – Indicates the server’s two factor authorisation level. If this value is 0 then the server does not require 2FA for their administrative members. If the value is 1 then they do.


VerificationLevel – The server’s verification level.


List[str] – A list of features that the server has. They are currently as follows:

  • VIP_REGIONS: Server has VIP voice regions
  • VANITY_URL: Server has a vanity invite URL (e.g. discord.gg/discord-api)
  • INVITE_SPLASH: Server’s invite page has a special splash.

str – The server’s invite splash.


Returns a Channel with the given ID. If not found, returns None.


Returns a Member with the given ID. If not found, returns None.


Gets the @everyone role that all members have by default.


Gets the default Channel for the server.


Returns the URL version of the server’s icon. Returns an empty string if it has no icon.


Returns the URL version of the server’s invite splash. Returns an empty string if it has no splash.


Returns the true member count regardless of it being loaded fully or not.


Returns the server’s creation time in UTC.


Returns the server’s roles in the order of the hierarchy.

The first element of this list will be the highest role in the hierarchy.


Returns the first member found that matches the name provided.

The name can have an optional discriminator argument, e.g. “Jake#0001” or “Jake” will both do the lookup. However the former will give a more precise result. Note that the discriminator must have all 4 digits for this to work.

If a nickname is passed, then it is looked up via the nickname. Note however, that a nickname + discriminator combo will not lookup the nickname but rather the username + discriminator combo due to nickname + discriminator not being unique.

If no member is found, None is returned.

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the member to lookup with an optional discriminator.
Returns:The member in this server with the associated name. If not found then None is returned.
Return type:Member


class discord.Member

Represents a Discord member to a Server.

This is a subclass of User that extends more functionality that server members have such as roles and permissions.


VoiceState – The member’s voice state. Properties are defined to mirror access of the attributes. e.g. Member.is_afk is equivalent to Member.voice.is_afk`.


A list of Role that the member belongs to. Note that the first element of this list is always the default @everyone’ role.


datetime.datetime – A datetime object that specifies the date and time in UTC that the member joined the server for the first time.


Status – The member’s status. There is a chance that the status will be a str if it is a value that is not recognised by the enumerator.


Game – The game that the user is currently playing. Could be None if no game is being played.


Server – The server that the member belongs to.


Optional[str] – The server specific nickname of the user.


A property that returns a Colour denoting the rendered colour for the member. If the default colour is the one rendered then an instance of Colour.default() is returned.

There is an alias for this under color.


A property that returns a Colour denoting the rendered colour for the member. If the default colour is the one rendered then an instance of Colour.default() is returned.

There is an alias for this under color.


Returns the member’s highest role.

This is useful for figuring where a member stands in the role hierarchy chain.


Returns the member’s server permissions.

This only takes into consideration the server permissions and not most of the implied permissions or any of the channel permission overwrites. For 100% accurate permission calculation, please use either permissions_in() or Channel.permissions_for().

This does take into consideration server ownership and the administrator implication.


class discord.VoiceState

Represents a Discord user’s voice state.


bool – Indicates if the user is currently deafened by the server.


bool – Indicates if the user is currently muted by the server.


bool – Indicates if the user is currently muted by their own accord.


bool – Indicates if the user is currently deafened by their own accord.


bool – Indicates if the user is currently in the AFK channel in the server.


Optional[Union[Channel, PrivateChannel]] – The voice channel that the user is currently connected to. None if the user is not currently in a voice channel.


class discord.Colour(value)

Represents a Discord role colour. This class is similar to an (red, green, blue) tuple.

There is an alias for this called Color.

Supported operations:

Operation Description
x == y Checks if two colours are equal.
x != y Checks if two colours are not equal.
hash(x) Return the colour’s hash.
str(x) Returns the hex format for the colour.

int – The raw integer colour value.


Returns the red component of the colour.


Returns the green component of the colour.


Returns the blue component of the colour.


Returns an (r, g, b) tuple representing the colour.

classmethod default()

A factory method that returns a Colour with a value of 0.

classmethod teal()

A factory method that returns a Colour with a value of 0x1abc9c.

classmethod dark_teal()

A factory method that returns a Colour with a value of 0x11806a.

classmethod green()

A factory method that returns a Colour with a value of 0x2ecc71.

classmethod dark_green()

A factory method that returns a Colour with a value of 0x1f8b4c.

classmethod blue()

A factory method that returns a Colour with a value of 0x3498db.

classmethod dark_blue()

A factory method that returns a Colour with a value of 0x206694.

classmethod purple()

A factory method that returns a Colour with a value of 0x9b59b6.

classmethod dark_purple()

A factory method that returns a Colour with a value of 0x71368a.

classmethod magenta()

A factory method that returns a Colour with a value of 0xe91e63.

classmethod dark_magenta()

A factory method that returns a Colour with a value of 0xad1457.

classmethod gold()

A factory method that returns a Colour with a value of 0xf1c40f.

classmethod dark_gold()

A factory method that returns a Colour with a value of 0xc27c0e.

classmethod orange()

A factory method that returns a Colour with a value of 0xe67e22.

classmethod dark_orange()

A factory method that returns a Colour with a value of 0xa84300.

classmethod red()

A factory method that returns a Colour with a value of 0xe74c3c.

classmethod dark_red()

A factory method that returns a Colour with a value of 0x992d22.

classmethod lighter_grey()

A factory method that returns a Colour with a value of 0x95a5a6.

classmethod dark_grey()

A factory method that returns a Colour with a value of 0x607d8b.

classmethod light_grey()

A factory method that returns a Colour with a value of 0x979c9f.

classmethod darker_grey()

A factory method that returns a Colour with a value of 0x546e7a.


class discord.Game(**kwargs)

Represents a Discord game.

Supported Operations:

Operation Description
x == y Checks if two games are equal.
x != y Checks if two games are not equal.
hash(x) Return the games’s hash.
str(x) Returns the games’s name.

str – The game’s name.


str – The game’s URL. Usually used for twitch streaming.


int – The type of game being played. 1 indicates “Streaming”.


class discord.Emoji

Represents a custom emoji.

Depending on the way this object was created, some of the attributes can have a value of None.

Supported Operations:

Operation Description
x == y Checks if two emoji are the same.
x != y Checks if two emoji are not the same.
hash(x) Return the emoji’s hash.
iter(x) Returns an iterator of (field, value) pairs. This allows this class to be used as an iterable in list/dict/etc. constructions.
str(x) Returns the emoji rendered for discord.

str – The name of the emoji.


str – The emoji’s ID.


bool – If colons are required to use this emoji in the client (:PJSalt: vs PJSalt).


bool – If this emoji is managed by a Twitch integration.


Server – The server the emoji belongs to.


List[Role] – A list of Role that is allowed to use this emoji. If roles is empty, the emoji is unrestricted.


Returns the emoji’s creation time in UTC.


Returns a URL version of the emoji.


class discord.Role

Represents a Discord role in a Server.

Supported Operations:

Operation Description
x == y Checks if two roles are equal.
x != y Checks if two roles are not equal.
x > y Checks if a role is higher than another in the hierarchy.
x < y Checks if a role is lower than another in the hierarchy.
x >= y Checks if a role is higher or equal to another in the hierarchy.
x <= y Checks if a role is lower or equal to another in the hierarchy.
hash(x) Return the role’s hash.
str(x) Returns the role’s name.

str – The ID for the role.


str – The name of the role.


Permissions – Represents the role’s permissions.


Server – The server the role belongs to.


Colour – Represents the role colour. An alias exists under color.


bool – Indicates if the role will be displayed separately from other members.


int – The position of the role. This number is usually positive. The bottom role has a position of 0.


bool – Indicates if the role is managed by the server through some form of integrations such as Twitch.


bool – Indicates if the role can be mentioned by users.


Checks if the role is the @everyone role.


Returns the role’s creation time in UTC.


Returns a string that allows you to mention a role.


class discord.Permissions(permissions=0, **kwargs)

Wraps up the Discord permission value.

Supported operations:

Operation Description
x == y Checks if two permissions are equal.
x != y Checks if two permissions are not equal.
x <= y Checks if a permission is a subset of another permission.
x >= y Checks if a permission is a superset of another permission.
x < y Checks if a permission is a strict subset of another permission.
x > y Checks if a permission is a strict superset of another permission.
hash(x) Return the permission’s hash.
iter(x) Returns an iterator of (perm, value) pairs. This allows this class to be used as an iterable in e.g. set/list/dict constructions.

The properties provided are two way. You can set and retrieve individual bits using the properties as if they were regular bools. This allows you to edit permissions.


The raw value. This value is a bit array field of a 32-bit integer representing the currently available permissions. You should query permissions via the properties rather than using this raw value.


Returns True if self has the same or fewer permissions as other.


Returns True if self has the same or more permissions as other.


Returns True if the permissions on other are a strict subset of those on self.


Returns True if the permissions on other are a strict superset of those on self.

classmethod none()

A factory method that creates a Permissions with all permissions set to False.

classmethod all()

A factory method that creates a Permissions with all permissions set to True.

classmethod all_channel()

A Permissions with all channel-specific permissions set to True and the server-specific ones set to False. The server-specific permissions are currently:

  • manager_server
  • kick_members
  • ban_members
  • administrator
  • change_nicknames
  • manage_nicknames
classmethod general()

A factory method that creates a Permissions with all “General” permissions from the official Discord UI set to True.

classmethod text()

A factory method that creates a Permissions with all “Text” permissions from the official Discord UI set to True.

classmethod voice()

A factory method that creates a Permissions with all “Voice” permissions from the official Discord UI set to True.


Bulk updates this permission object.

Allows you to set multiple attributes by using keyword arguments. The names must be equivalent to the properties listed. Extraneous key/value pairs will be silently ignored.

Parameters:**kwargs – A list of key/value pairs to bulk update permissions with.

Returns True if the user can create instant invites.


Returns True if the user can kick users from the server.


Returns True if a user can ban users from the server.


Returns True if a user is an administrator. This role overrides all other permissions.

This also bypasses all channel-specific overrides.


Returns True if a user can edit, delete, or create channels in the server.

This also corresponds to the “manage channel” channel-specific override.


Returns True if a user can edit server properties.


Returns True if a user can add reactions to messages.


Returns True if a user can view the server’s audit log.


Returns True if a user can read messages from all or specific text channels.


Returns True if a user can send messages from all or specific text channels.


Returns True if a user can send TTS messages from all or specific text channels.


Returns True if a user can delete messages from a text channel. Note that there are currently no ways to edit other people’s messages.

Returns True if a user’s messages will automatically be embedded by Discord.


Returns True if a user can send files in their messages.


Returns True if a user can read a text channel’s previous messages.


Returns True if a user’s @everyone will mention everyone in the text channel.


Returns True if a user can use emojis from other servers.


Returns True if a user can connect to a voice channel.


Returns True if a user can speak in a voice channel.


Returns True if a user can mute other users.


Returns True if a user can deafen other users.


Returns True if a user can move users between other voice channels.


Returns True if a user can use voice activation in voice channels.


Returns True if a user can change their nickname in the server.


Returns True if a user can change other user’s nickname in the server.


Returns True if a user can create or edit roles less than their role’s position.

This also corresponds to the “manage permissions” channel-specific override.


Returns True if a user can create, edit, or delete webhooks.


Returns True if a user can create, edit, or delete emojis.


class discord.PermissionOverwrite(**kwargs)

A type that is used to represent a channel specific permission.

Unlike a regular Permissions, the default value of a permission is equivalent to None and not False. Setting a value to False is explicitly denying that permission, while setting a value to True is explicitly allowing that permission.

The values supported by this are the same as Permissions with the added possibility of it being set to None.

Supported operations:

Operation Description
iter(x) Returns an iterator of (perm, value) pairs. This allows this class to be used as an iterable in e.g. set/list/dict constructions.
Parameters:**kwargs – Set the value of permissions by their name.

Returns the (allow, deny) pair from this overwrite.

The value of these pairs is Permissions.

classmethod from_pair(allow, deny)

Creates an overwrite from an allow/deny pair of Permissions.


Checks if the permission overwrite is currently empty.

An empty permission overwrite is one that has no overwrites set to True or False.


Bulk updates this permission overwrite object.

Allows you to set multiple attributes by using keyword arguments. The names must be equivalent to the properties listed. Extraneous key/value pairs will be silently ignored.

Parameters:**kwargs – A list of key/value pairs to bulk update with.


class discord.Channel

Represents a Discord server channel.

Supported Operations:

Operation Description
x == y Checks if two channels are equal.
x != y Checks if two channels are not equal.
hash(x) Returns the channel’s hash.
str(x) Returns the channel’s name.

str – The channel name.


Server – The server the channel belongs to.


str – The channel ID.


Optional[str] – The channel’s topic. None if it doesn’t exist.


boolTrue if the channel is a private channel (i.e. PM). False in this case.


int – The position in the channel list. This is a number that starts at 0. e.g. the top channel is position 0. The position varies depending on being a voice channel or a text channel, so a 0 position voice channel is on top of the voice channel list.


ChannelType – The channel type. There is a chance that the type will be str if the channel type is not within the ones recognised by the enumerator.


int – The channel’s preferred audio bitrate in bits per second.


A list of Members that are currently inside this voice channel. If type is not ChannelType.voice then this is always an empty array.


int – The channel’s limit for number of members that can be in a voice channel.


Returns a list of Roles that have been overridden from their default values in the Server.roles attribute.


bool – Indicates if this is the default channel for the Server it belongs to.


str – The string that allows you to mention the channel.


Returns the channel’s creation time in UTC.


Returns the channel-specific overwrites for a member or a role.

Parameters:obj – The Role or Member or Object denoting whose overwrite to get.
Returns:The permission overwrites for this object.
Return type:PermissionOverwrite

Returns all of the channel’s overwrites.

This is returned as a list of two-element tuples containing the target, which can be either a Role or a Member and the overwrite as the second element as a PermissionOverwrite.

Returns:The channel’s permission overwrites.
Return type:List[Tuple[Union[Role, Member], PermissionOverwrite]]

Handles permission resolution for the current Member.

This function takes into consideration the following cases:

  • Server owner
  • Server roles
  • Channel overrides
  • Member overrides
  • Whether the channel is the default channel.
Parameters:member (Member) – The member to resolve permissions for.
Returns:The resolved permissions for the member.
Return type:Permissions


class discord.PrivateChannel

Represents a Discord private channel.

Supported Operations:

Operation Description
x == y Checks if two channels are equal.
x != y Checks if two channels are not equal.
hash(x) Returns the channel’s hash.
str(x) Returns a string representation of the channel

list of User – The users you are participating with in the private channel.


User – The user presenting yourself.


str – The private channel ID.


boolTrue if the channel is a private channel (i.e. PM). True in this case.


ChannelType – The type of private channel.


Optional[User] – The user that owns the private channel. If the channel type is not ChannelType.group then this is always None.


Optional[str] – The private channel’s icon hash. If the channel type is not ChannelType.group then this is always None.


Optional[str] – The private channel’s name. If the channel type is not ChannelType.group then this is always None.


A property that returns the first recipient of the private channel.

This is mainly for compatibility and ease of use with old style private channels that had a single recipient.


Returns the channel’s icon URL if available or an empty string otherwise.


Returns the private channel’s creation time in UTC.


Handles permission resolution for a User.

This function is there for compatibility with Channel.

Actual private messages do not really have the concept of permissions.

This returns all the Text related permissions set to true except:

  • send_tts_messages: You cannot send TTS messages in a PM.
  • manage_messages: You cannot delete others messages in a PM.

This also handles permissions for ChannelType.group channels such as kicking or mentioning everyone.

Parameters:user (User) – The user to check permissions for.
Returns:The resolved permissions for the user.
Return type:Permissions


class discord.Invite

Represents a Discord Server or Channel invite.

Depending on the way this object was created, some of the attributes can have a value of None.

Supported Operations:

Operation Description
x == y Checks if two invites are equal.
x != y Checks if two invites are not equal.
hash(x) Return the invite’s hash.
str(x) Returns the invite’s URL.

int – How long the before the invite expires in seconds. A value of 0 indicates that it doesn’t expire.


str – The URL fragment used for the invite. xkcd is also a possible fragment.


Server – The server the invite is for.


bool – Indicates if the invite has been revoked.


datetime.datetime – A datetime object denoting the time the invite was created.


bool – Indicates that the invite grants temporary membership. If True, members who joined via this invite will be kicked upon disconnect.


int – How many times the invite has been used.


int – How many times the invite can be used.


str – The URL fragment used for the invite if it is human readable.


User – The user who created the invite.


Channel – The channel the invite is for.


Returns the proper code portion of the invite.


A property that retrieves the invite URL.


The following exceptions are thrown by the library.

exception discord.DiscordException

Base exception class for discord.py

Ideally speaking, this could be caught to handle any exceptions thrown from this library.

exception discord.ClientException

Exception that’s thrown when an operation in the Client fails.

These are usually for exceptions that happened due to user input.

exception discord.LoginFailure

Exception that’s thrown when the Client.login() function fails to log you in from improper credentials or some other misc. failure.

exception discord.HTTPException(response, message)

Exception that’s thrown when an HTTP request operation fails.


The response of the failed HTTP request. This is an instance of aiohttp.ClientResponse.


The text of the error. Could be an empty string.

exception discord.Forbidden(response, message)

Exception that’s thrown for when status code 403 occurs.

Subclass of HTTPException

exception discord.NotFound(response, message)

Exception that’s thrown for when status code 404 occurs.

Subclass of HTTPException

exception discord.InvalidArgument

Exception that’s thrown when an argument to a function is invalid some way (e.g. wrong value or wrong type).

This could be considered the analogous of ValueError and TypeError except derived from ClientException and thus DiscordException.

exception discord.GatewayNotFound

An exception that is usually thrown when the gateway hub for the Client websocket is not found.

exception discord.ConnectionClosed(original)

Exception that’s thrown when the gateway connection is closed for reasons that could not be handled internally.


int – The close code of the websocket.


str – The reason provided for the closure.

exception discord.opus.OpusError(code)

An exception that is thrown for libopus related errors.


int – The error code returned.

exception discord.opus.OpusNotLoaded

An exception that is thrown for when libopus is not loaded.